Friday, July 4, 2008

Squeaky Clean

I have been told many times to check the pockets of clothing going into the washer. I have ruined many clothes by putting pens into the dryer....mostly Travis' and yet I still do not check pockets.
Today I was doing laundry to get ready for our trip tomorrow to the Ozarks and I threw in my jean shorts from yesterday.

Meanwhile, I needed to add some songs to my ipod for the trip. So I attempted to do so, but couldn't find my ipod. I knew I brought it back from my mom's yesterday...where could it be... OH NO! I think it's in my jean shorts pockets, so I flew down stairs to look... After going threw an entire load of laundry to find the jean shorts I was thrilled when it wasn't in there. I must have left it in the car, at mom's or in a pile somewhere.

Travis found the ipod a few hours later...... at the BOTTOM of the washing machine, squeaky clean, but no longer workable!

I knew I was in trouble and it would be a long time before we would purchase another Ipod for Misty....I was told I was being demoted from Laundry Duty :) :) :) Drats :) :):)
Then after feeling really crummy for about 10-15 minutes my wonderful, loving and brilliant husband informed me we would be stopping at target on our way to the Quad Cities this evening for a new Ipod for me!!!! :) :) :) How thoughtful!

So now I'm up at 12:38AM downloading songs that were already on my old ipod onto my new is going to be an early morning come 5:15! However, at least I have an Ipod to lull me to sleep on the car ride to the Ozarks!
I hope everyone has a Safe and Happy 4th of July!

Monday, June 30, 2008

The Burns'

I got to spend a relaxing day with one of my dearest friends Krista Burns today. We enjoyed hanging out and watching/listening to Landon's antics! He's such a little character! I love him to pieces! Once Landon was taking a nap, little Delaney woke up and I got to feed her. She is too precious! I enjoyed hanging out with Krista and the kids and catching up. I'm looking forward to getting together next week. Isn't summer GREAT!!??!?!?!
P.S....Thanks for lunch Krista!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Buddy more post about Saturday!

Kay just sent me this picture of Buddy. This is before he ate all the potatoes. He's such a cute little dog....Travis says he's an OLD dog.

Old, young, little, big, we love Buddy just the way he is! :)

Still enjoying

We are just getting back from a cookout at my mom's house. We met there with the whole family to discuss last minute details for our upcoming Ozark vacation. I am getting quite excited we have never been on a full fledged family trip with Travis. The last time we went all together was "pre-Travis" when we went to Hawaii. I hope he has a good time and wants to go on another "Vancil" family vacation.

All day long I've been enjoying the memories and pictures from yesterday. It truly was just too fun. I know Travis especially enjoyed the day. He feels very close to his family and I know it is hard sometimes for him to be 40 minutes away. It was good to see him so happy and content with everyone in the yard.

Besides the Buddy incident I think my favorite picture from yesterday was when Tyler was so mad! I don't remember what made him so made and start to cry but anyone who deals with children or has their own can relate to this photo:

He is such a little character and SOOOO funny! I think he's going to be the comedian of the family. Maybe that's why I think this photo is so funny. He is usually full of funny faces and gestures and to see him like this makes me try to figure out what's going on in his head....

a) I want you to get this camera out of my FAAAACCCEE!

b) Mommy help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

c) Why does everyone get to eat but me?????

Anyone have a better guess?