Parker has started to sit up by himself. He doesn't do it regularly yet, and he's awful wobbley but he still does it. Do you remember Weebles? Weebles wobble but they don't fall down?....well, Parker wobbles and does fall down. However, when he falls he thinks it's a riot! He laughs and squeals! We think his little belly his causing him to be a little off balance, but hey
ya gotta start somewhere right?
On a different note, I decided that it was time for me to start exercising. Crazy right? I figured it was time after I was jumping around the house in an attempt to get Parker to laugh and got so winded I had to sit down!
So tonight after school I decided I would start with an obtainable goal...just run around the block. Did I mention I loath running. I despise it. My little legs were not built for running. I would rather have blood drawn than run...but I ran.
Did I mention that we live on an incredibly LONG block! I made it almost 1/2 around before I had to stop and walk to catch my breath. Then I ran some more...walked some more...and finished running. It took me 12 minutes to run around the block. Most people can run a whole mile in like 7 minutes. I have a long way to go but
ya gotta start somewhere right?