Parker was born weighing 8lbs. 7 oz. ; he left the hospital weighing 7lbs. 14 oz. on Sunday and today weighs 8lbs. 0 oz.
He is currently in the 50th percentile for weight. He is in the 90th percentile for his height. He's going to be tall lke his daddy.
Dr. Larson came in and checked him over. She was a little concerned with his jaundice and ordered another blood test. The test came back with very low levels and she wasn't concerned.
Dr. Larson was very helpful in answering all the questions the new mom and dad had and helped us to remember some things we had forgotten to take care of. We will see her again next week.
After the doctor we ran our first family errand. A trip to Wal-Mart.
Here Parker is learning how we must always stop and look for new PEZ....and he was so lucky today to find 3 PEZ on his first trip to Wally-World! (Dad was happy too!)
When we came home everyone got a nice rest and then we were excited to have visitors. My friend Krista came by with dinner (THANK YOU) and the Kleine's stopped by to meet a new friend!. Kannon was very excited to have a new "boy" to hang out with and informed Parker that in 4 years they would be playing the Wii together. Kannon even challenged Parker to a Mario Kart tournament.
It has been an exciting day for all, but the excitement isn't over yet......we are having our first bath at home tonight! All of the much fun!