Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Some more photos of the birthday party...

The great story teller at work... 

Make a wish...
On his actual birthday Parker had an appointment for his 3 year check up.  He's in the 90th percentile, or just below in all categories.   
His birthday "wish" was to go to chuck E Cheese's which is funny because up until this time he has told us he doesn't like it there and it scares him... 
I guess not anymore.. 

After a pit-stop at Grandma/Grandpa Stecher's we attempted a photo of us and the birthday boy...
he was not feeling it!!
Happy birthday sweet boy!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Puppy Party

Parker chose to have an orange puppy party for birthday number 3! We were delighted to FINALLY have a sunny beautiful day for a birthday party. 


These "pups" had a great time!

Parker is blessed with many generous friends.  He received many wonderful games, clothes, and books.
He loves his Bat-cave from Grandma and Grandpa Chloe

He loves his trike from Grandma and Grandpa Vancil...and his feet reach!

Carson also felt the birthday "love"  He was given cake and wagon rides all day! 

Parker dished out many hugs of thanks and friendship! 

Parker had a great puppy party!  Thanks for making it great!


How did this....
turn into this?

Parker turned 3 on September 17th!  
He has become very independent in everything he does. He recently surprised me by putting his own PJ's on with out help and got his shoes on and fastened today without help.  He loves his family and friends and (thankfully) still loves to cuddle.  He likes reading books, playing with cars, and has recently become interested in Batman, Superman, and Legos.  His favorite foods are macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets.  He LOVES to tell stories.  I'm sure we will have many report cards that indicate he is "gifted" in socializing! :)  When Parker gets frustrated he puts his hands on his hips and says "I'm mad".  He likes to make silly faces with his daddy and wrestle with daddy.  He loves his brother and gives him kisses and hugs while saying "I love you so much".  He likes routine and predictability   He likes to keep his hands clean and doesn't like to paint with his fingers.  He has begun youth group at church and has learned Genesis 1 while participating in the whole church study of "The Story".  He likes to hear "Cow and Pig Stories" that mommy makes up, and enjoys spending time with his friends at Day Care. 

Our baby is becoming a big boy and it's sad, exciting, hopeful, challenging, and daily changing...and we LOVE every minute of it!

Parker:  We are so proud of what a big boy you are turning into and couldn't be happier to be your parents! We love you buddy!
Happy Belated Birthday!


 End of summer, start of school and a million activities in between...let's play catch up!
Happy 60th Birthday Grandpa Chloe! (Stecher)
The day was spent with all the grand kids and a picnic in the back yard!

End of summer fishing trip

Even Carson got to touch a fish.  Lots of fish caught and many memories made!

Labor Day Parade on Labor Day Monday.
Steerman Fly-over

Some of Parker's favorites:
Fire Trucks,
The band, complete with feather hats and drums!
and PUPPIES!  this nice lady even let Parker hold the puppy!
and of course... 
Thankfully Parker has a dentist appointment on December 28th :)