Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Superbowl Party

Even though our team wasn't in the "bowl" we decided to show some Bear love anyway! 

We also held the annual Super Bowl Party at our house this year.   
The crowd has grown again, both by hosts, and guests...there were a few favorites who were unable to make it in time for the picture. 
 Dance, Dance Mickey on the floor, Cow and Hound dog were still in the closet, bunny duck and friends were unable to make it up from the basement and several other friends who just didn't RSVP...none the less, a good time was had by all.

Big Boy Bed

I'm kissing my crib good bye guys!
It's been a great place to sleep and I have grown big in it...but I'm a big boy now and I"m ready to move on...
to my new big boy bed...well...really it's my in between bed.  Grandpa Stecher is making my bed frame for my real big boy bed so Mom and Dad said I could start with this trainer bed. 
It's all the same to me. 
Adios crib...
No crying mom...I'm still a little guy...just a little guy in a big bed!

Popcorn Family Night

Last Tuesday was Family Popcorn night at the Galesburg Library.

Carson hung out with Bella, a new friend from Church.

Parker made a Popcorn Picture, 
A popcorn necklace...with dad's help... 

And had a popcorn spoon race. 

 The highlight of the evening might have been this:
at the end of the night.  The kids sat on the outside of these big picnic sheets and there was a popcorn explosion from the popper...the anticipation was great as the handle turned round and round.  When suddenly the kernels started shooting out everywhere the kids were all yelping and hollering...my son being one of the biggest yelpers of all...pure joy!
Free fun is always great right? :) 
Even little brother couldn't sleep through the whole night, he enjoyed the popping corn too!

Saturday Morning Fun

This is becoming our norm on Saturday mornings and I LOVE it!