Sunday, May 20, 2012

1st Haircut

Curly was in need of a haircut...bad.... 
But Mommy couldn't get past these sweet baby curls...

Saturday was the day to go to the big boy barber shop.  This is the same High School friend of Travis' who cut Parker's hair for the first time.  
Bye bye curls! 

Whatcha doing up there?
It feels so light! 
I'm a big boy now... 
All 4 Stecher boys in front of the Barber shop!
He looks a lot more like Parker now....


Ear Tubes part 2...

This is Carson right before surgery a few weeks ago.  Happy as can be riding in the little car at the hospital up and down the hallway making elderly people smile...ahhh
but WOW!
After the tubes....
we have a different kid!
In a totally great way!
His is giggly, jabbering all sorts of sounds, attentive, engaged in activities, just truly, TRULY happy!
He is sleeping in his crib (FINALLY) flat on his back for most of the night, and he is just Mr. Smiley!
This makes me wonder why don't they just do this at birth? ;)