I LOVE VETERANS DAY! Travis and I have done absolutely nothing today, and I mean nothing. It was a chore for me to walk down 13 stairs to start a load of laundry, yes, of course there was plenty to do around here: clean out the fridge, dust our bedroom, clean the dust bunnies out from under the bed, scrub the shower so I could take a bubble bath, work on our National Board Certification, redo a bulletin board at school etc, etc. however we have chosen to take a day and do nothing. I don't know if I will even to the Wii Fit today, which by the way I love! I'm thinking it might be just what I need to get on the exercise band wagon, this is being said as I eat the remaining 5 birthday truffles and 1 piece of birthday cake and look at the calendar to decide when mom and I can make dozens of Christmas cookies, cakes, candies, etc.
Anyway, I digress....
Trav and I have done nothing today and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself....so has Travis....and Buddy.
Travis and Buddy have been sleeping since 1PM, what else are you going to do on a cold, rainy day off school?

I can tell you this much, this makes me look forward to snow days! :)
Happy Veterans Day!
Thanks Dad!