On Easter morning we met Grandma and Grandpa Stecher at church. After church we came home and had some time with the Stechers which included an Easter Egg hunt and a visit from the Easter Bunny.
Finding Eggs out back. It was a nice day so we were able to go outside, which Parker loves!
The Easter Bunny was good to me!
The guys playing with bubbles
My first Peanut Butter cup Egg...YUM!
Playing with Play-dough and Grandma.
After Stecher time we met up with the Vancil's for Easter Brunch. The food was great, the atmosphere so-so, and the service needed improvement, but it was nice to have everyone together and especially nice for Travis, Parker and I not to have to have 2 huge Easter meals in one day! :)
After a nap for all 3 Stechers we headed to Grandpa and Grandma Vancil's house where the Easter Bunny had visited as well. We had another great egg hunt and enjoyed time outside as a family.
Hop, Hop!
We have a future golfer...FORE!
After a light supper we headed home. Parker had a great day with his family and thoroughly enjoys Easter!