Thursday, August 20, 2009

36 weeks....big baby

This morning was our last ultra sound for baby. After the ultrasound we had a non stress test and then a doctor appointment.
Everything looks good with the ultra sound. During the non-stress test the baby wouldn't move much so it took a little longer than usual, but things ended up looking good!
When we met with Amy she checked me out and found no progression. I think that's good since I"m only 36 weeks, however, with some of the braxton hix contractions I've been having I think I was suspecting at least a little something. But nothing.

We asked how much the baby approximately weighs....
7 lbs. 12 oz. right now!!!!!!!!!!!!
She said that put the baby in the 90th percentile....we want average 50th percentile.
She then informed me I would be needing that epidural I've requested! :)
Travis is thrilled about the largeness of the baby, however, I keep reminding him he's not the one who has to push it out!

There was also some discussion of inducing labor during the week of labor day if baby hasn't made his/her appearance yet. Amy and Dr. Piper do not want me to go until my due date because of the gestational diabetes.

Here are pictures of the little sumo wrestler!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Are you ready for some.......

Today was the beginning of football season for Travis. This year he has been transferred to Lombard 8th grade head coach. This is the junior high where the kids from Nielson and King go so it makes sense for Travis to be coaching at a junior high where the kids already are familiar with him.
Today practice was at 3:30. At 3:30 today this is what it was like outside...
Poor Travis what a day to start junior high football :(
However, by 4:30 this is what the crazy weather was doing....
So I drove up to Lombard and tried to be incognito and take some pictures of the first day of practice. However, I was busted! I think the flash gave me away.

These were taken in the car...again...tring to be "out of sight"....

This is after I had been discovered thanks to a mom I had in my room last year hollering out "you shouldn't be taking pictures of young boys...." she was kidding around, but that yell got the team and "Coach Stecher" to turn around and BUSTED!