Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Wallace Family Fun Day

We were invited, and excited to join the Stecher's on a fall fun day in the Quad Citites.  We started our day at a pumpkin festival being hosted by Travis' aunt Carla at Mel-Foster Co.  The boys loved looking through the rows of pumpkins to choose their favorites...

 I love apple cider!

 After we left Mel-Foster we went to Wallace's green house for a family fun day. 


In the hay maze discussion a strategy.... 
You go that way, I'll go this way...

Look how tall we are! 
Honey....I shrunk the kids!
Pretty flowers Mommy...why don't you ask Craig Hignight (a QC master gardener featured on News Channel 8), about your geraniums? 

Scarecrow Festival

This year our youth group at church created a scarecrow named "Christian" for the scarecrow festival.

Parker was excited to show us the gourd he made. 

Peace gourd, yellow with green and diamond jewel.  
Little Babo, voting for his favorite scarecrow...Christian, of course!
We won the youth group the way! :)

Country Corner 2013

We ventured out to Country Corner again this year with the Vancil's.  Again, it was one of the coldest weekends in October, and again, it was a GREAT time!

This year the boys got to ride the pony's.  It was a HIT, more with Carson than Parker, but both loved it! 

Uncle Justin was loving the pumpkin patch with the boys.  

The cow train was another favorite of the day. 

Both boys got to pick their own pumpkin. 
 PULL!!!!! I got it!

On a mission....I want this one. 

Posing with Grandma.

Helping Grandpa pull the pumpkins back to the farm.

Looking forward to another fun day next year!

Parker turns 4....(2 months ago)

Parker had a great birthday in September!  I know I'm a little a lot late in posting this!
The day was sunny and bright and not too hot or cold.  His party was full of fun, friends and Ninja Turtles!
Our little Ninja Turtle! 

Pizza, Pasta, and turtle grapes 

Look we match! 

Turtle Power!