So I've told most people I know that the couple who owned this house before us were GROSS! They must have been a 2 pack a day each, never opened a window to air it out, smoking couple. When we moved into the house it reeked of cigarette smoke. We tore up the carpet, painted all the ceilings, walls, and redid all the woodwork in an attempt to rid ourselves of that horrible smokey smell.
Over time in the bathroom and above the stove where steam is often touching the walls/ceiling the nicotine will seep through. In the bathroom we have painted twice, used Kilz once and it still seeps through. YUCK! However, in the kitchen knowing we would someday re-do it we never painted or primed.
Tonight, Travis and I were working in the kitchen trying to wipe all the ceiling/walls down in order to prime them tomorrow. I had just started wiping the ceiling. In a housekeeping confession, I don't usually wash the ceilings of our house. I'm hoping that's not to uncommon and most of you don't wash your ceilings either, but anyway, I digress. So I'm wiping the ceilings, I've made literally 5 up and back passes, so 10 strokes over a small area and this is what my rag looked like.
Keep in mind that we've lived in this house for 4 years and neither one of us smoke, nor do we allow people to smoke in our home.

Do you need more of a reason not to smoke?