- Although I am labeled "diabetic" it is only for the duration of the pregnancy.
- My sugar levels at this time are very low for a "diabetic" and not alarming.
- Because of my "diabetic" status I am now considered more of a risk with the pregnancy.
- Because of the "diabetes" I will have to go to the doctor twice a week for 45 minute "stress" tests every week starting July 7th through the end of my pregnancy.
- We will have to have at least one more sonogram because of the "stress tests" and the diabetes.
- With the label gestational diabetes I will not be allowed to go past my due date. If my due date comes and they baby hasn't decided to make it's entrance, I will be induced.
- It is possible and OK if the baby comes up to 3 weeks before the due date....which is exactly one day after school starts....
- I had to cancel my appointment with our midwife for Tuesday and schedule another appointment for the doctor on Thursday, however, if my blood sugar levels stay as good as they are now, I will be re released back into the midwife's care.
- It is possible that if the blood sugar tests stay as low as they have been I might be able to go from testing the blood sugar 4 times a day to a lesser amount.
- If things stay as good as they are now I also might be able to have some frozen yogurt in small amounts, however, I have to clear that with the snotty dietitian so probably not..
- I would hate to have the profession of dietitian...no one likes you....
All things considering, this could be much worse. I have lost some weight since the last visit, which Dr. Piper assures us is normal especially since everything I LOVE to eat has now been banned.
Travis has been really supportive and is even doing the food restrictions with me. He didn't make fun of me when I cried because they were going to take more blood from my bruised arms on Tuesday, nor did he "scold" me when I was extremely snotty to the nurse today at the doctor's office. I told her I thought this whole blood testing this was stupid.... oops!
I think that's the latest!