Today we had our 2 month check up and you know what that brings.....SHOTS!
YIKES! I must say Parker has been through a lot in his first 2 months of life and come out on the right side of all the obstacles of constant blood draws, a trip to Peoria, and an IV in the head. However, today was rough for his mama!
We were told we'd have an oral vaccine that babies don't like because it tastes bad....Parker laughed, smiled and gurgled through that.
Then he had 2 shots in his left leg. We were told to prepare our selves and help "comfort" him. He took the first shot like a champ, barely moving. He's used to this needle stuff!
The second shot in the left leg brought the tears...the mad kind...the kind where you have to blow in his face to get him to inhale. But again, nothing we haven't seen/dealt with. Then we were told to hang on for the right leg shot because that was the one that "hurt". Parker was crying with eyes squeezed shut when the right leg shot went in. His eyes flew open, slammed shut and then the REAL screaming began. The poor baby! He made sure that we indeed knew it hurt! It took some time to console him, but we got through it!
In honor of Veteran's Day he received these band aids..
Once we got home Parker had some Tylenol and a good nap on dad....but when he woke up.....
Travis and I agree Parker has never been so upset, mad, hurt, etc. at
home than he was today. We now know what he is like when he doesn't feel good! To say he was crying is an understatement. Wailing might be closer, but that doesn't even do it justice... Oh yeah, did I mention that when this happened there were still 2 hours before we could give him more Tylenol?
Travis was a champ and got Parker to finally settle down after 45 minutes of a VERY unhappy baby.
Don't move....he's finally quiet...
I had a rough day...and I have to do it all over again in January! YIKES!
In other office news: He weighs 13lbs. 10 oz. and is 23 1/4 in. long.
That is 90th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for length. His head is in the 50th percentile for the circumference.