Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Travis!

Happy Birthday Travis/Dad!
One year ago today Travis got this great gift...

I gave Travis 2 baby outfits, and a positive pregnancy test.  Parker only wore one of the outfits because he was too big :)

One year later and....

Here are my guys!
Happy Birthday Trav!  What a YEAR!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Bump in the night

Brr!  It is freezing out!  Tonight when we got home from picking up Parker at Kims this is how we found him. 

Can you find Parker?

Later this evening I was in the Nursery rocking Parker and Travis was eating dinner on the couch in the living room.  We heard a big POP/BANG! coming from the kitchen.   I instantly thought the candle I had lit on the kitchen window sill had just cracked our new windows.  Travis went running to the kitchen, thew open the back door and.....

The new 12 pack of Diet Pepsi I had bought on Sunday and put on the porch to chill had exploded.  You can see it literally blew the back of the box out.  This is how we found it we didn't move any cans or boxes!  The only good thing about this is it's frozen and will be a little easier to clean up....and it wasn't the kitchen window!  (I did blow out that candle as soon as I could put Parker down!)