Yesterday Parker saw the pediatrician...he has gained half a pound from Friday to Monday! This is significant especially with his CAH. We are quite proud of our little eater. He is less than impressed by this news.
His blood work came back yesterday very good and because of the great levels, he doesn't have to go back to see Dr. Larson for 2 weeks! He also doesn't have to have another blood draw until Thursday! Hip, Hip Hooray!
Buddy has adjusted to having Parker in the family. Buddy doesn't seem to mind, in fact, I think he forgets that Parker's here as I sometimes see him sniffing Parker's stuff, but he never bothers it.
We received these beautiful flowers from my Uncle Russ in Cedar Rapids. Parker will be pulling the wagon around before we know it. Everyone comments on how strong he already is. He does have quite the kick!
We have been blessed to have many visitors at the house. We love visitors! Last evening we had a steady stream. My mom came by, then Sarah came with dinner (yummy! Thank you), then Nicole and Jeremy came and brought 2 huge bags of their sons clothes that he has outgrown. This is one of Sawyer's outfits. We are excited to be able to be next in line for Sawyer's clothing!
We have been blessed to have extra time with Daddy home and are not looking forward to him going back to work :(
However, we realize we are luckier than most families and are trying to enjoy the rest of the week as a family!
This has been a week of good news and we have been thanking God for answering many people's prayers! We are hopeful that Friday's visit to the specialist will be full of equally good news.
Thank you all for your continued support! Come visit us soon! Parker LOVES to be snuggled!