Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fall is here!

I was ambitious yesterday and after doing a good housecleaning I put up our fall decorations. It amazes me that when I was younger and mom would make me help with the housework, I hated it. I didn't understand why we had to do it so much and why we couldn't skip I get it. I feel SO much better when the house is not only picked up, but clean. I like how I feel when it's done and I love the both the visual and smell end result! I just wish I could get the gumption to keep up on it rather than have it be an utter disaster before I do an all day cleaning spree!
Yesterday I even shampooed the carpets, and washed the windows! Oh~la~la! The amazing part is afterwards, when I thought I would feel exhausted and sore, I actually felt invigorated and energized. I find that the work that once "haunted" me and was a "waste of time" is now fulfilling and gratifying all at the same time!
Thanks, Mom, for instilling "a clean house is a happy house" into me....and I'm sorry I fought you so much on it growing up! :)

Fall is one of my most favorite seasons. I do enjoy the freedom of summer and the boating, but fall is so beautiful, the decorations are vibrant and I love the smells, and craft shows that fall brings. Last year, Travis and I forgot we had actual fall decor and waited until October to put up Halloween stuff. I was glad we remembered that September had it's own set of decorations to help change the look of the house some.
Happy Fall Y'all! :)