I haven't blogged in forever and I certainly now, am out of order but the most recent fun adventure we have had is taking a short vacation to go visit "the cousins". Travis' sister and family live in Waukee, a Des Moines suburb. We thought we'd spend a few days there and hit up Adventureland while there. There were 347 photos taken between Heather and I over 2 days...it was hard to narrow it down.
Mapping out the trip and in the car loaded to go.

This was Carson's favorite ride and what we are still talking about today.

Parker wanted to ride the cars like at the fair, so we started small!
Then he and his cousin "Got their motors Running"

I reluctantly got Carson on the Big Trucks. He was ready to get off quickly so I had to keep him entertained...I think he might be a "non-ride" person like his dad.
I however am a ride person, love them. It was my idea to do the adventure to Adventureland. I learned quickly though that after you have children your body and tolerance to double spinning rides changes. After my first ride, the scrambler, I felt scrambled, sweaty and nauseous.
The cousins
We decided that the scrambler must have been a fluke, I just needed a cereal bar in my belly, so we loaded everyone, except my sister in law, who knows what having children does to you, into the teacups, another double spinning ride.
Scrambler was not a fluke...
Love this photo. Boys in blue cup lovin' it. Yellow tea cup....not so much...God bless Annica, she tried to have a good time..even with a nauseous aunt and a not so enthused young nephew who was clinging to his mommy pulling her shirt down yelling done, done, done.
(This was Carson's last ride of the day, after this he said, NOOOOOOooooooo! To every offer and opportunity.)
Parker loved it so much he wanted to go again! We let Annica and Tyler join the fun cup! While Travis helped Carson and I get back to normal. By the way, the scrambler was not a fluke, I can NO LONGER do double spinning rides.
The Chervenkas and I rode the raging river, we tried to get Parker to agree to go but he didn't want to until he saw us right before they pushed us in to the water,
So instead we took him to Saw Mill Splash
Up a huge conveyor belt to the top
down a large, fast bumpy water slide.
Travis and Uncle Kirk took him. He absolutely LOVED it! Travis said he belly laughed the whole way down and instantly said, let's do it AGAIN!
So we did. Travis said I had to hear the laugh so we both got on with him. Up, up, up!
The next two pictures have caused countless laughs in our family and I am not opposed to making fun of myself. Note everyone's faces in this photo. Parker= loving life; Travis = cool, calm and collected; Annica=a pro at this ride; Caleb= having a good time; Me= Terrified like I'm on some super coaster...
and the photo that wins the odd family photo coffee table book award...
an even more photogenic photo of myself. We have laughed so hard at this photo Travis was crying and I had to use the bathroom!!!! It's like I've seen something from a horror movie...
I really did enjoy the ride, despite the photos.
We had a really great time at Adventureland and can't wait to go back again soon! The boys did far better than we could have hoped and imagined; and Travis and I had a great time too!