Sunday, March 27, 2011

It with boys...

This has been an amazing spring break with Parker and Travis.  We have had loads of fun and literally watched Parker mature before our eyes. 
For example:
He is no longer allowed to have a traditional sippy cup.  Both Dr. Larson and Dr. Smith (dentist) have said it is time to say goodbye and go strictly to a straw cup. 

Also, no more juice unless he is constipated which won't happen because he's on Lactulose. 

His speech continues to develop and grow and he is adding more words daily. 

He has learned how to partially sing a small amount of the ABC song thanks to a Baby Einstein music video. 

He has virtually stopped signing "Please" because now he says it....Peas....

He is hitting less and less when frustrated thanks to constant language and redirection.

he is learning how to be a parrot...and mimic...

Friday night after dinner we were taking a drive around the area.  It was a decent evening and there were still people working in the yard.  We happened to see an elderly man getting on a lawn mower. His pants were so low he could have been a plumber...get my drift...
Travis says "Eww, Butts, butts..." and from the back seat we hear in a teeny tiny voice: "butt.....butts...butts"  We look at each other shocked and then back at a very smug little one and a half year old who was all grins!

Saturday afternoon Parker and I were at lunch with my mom, Jane, and Sara, Justin's Girlfriend.  We went to Granite City and Parker was doing really well.  He was starting to get antsy at the end of our lunch and I said, "do you need your diaper changed?"  His response was to say:  Poop....Poop...Poop...and continue in this fashion for many moments.  While standing up in his high chair, while being carried through the crowded restaurant....while being put on the changing station in the bathroom...
The kicker is..he wasn't even poopy!!!

So to wrap up our vacation:  Lots of fun family time, lots of growth and development, lots of changing into a big boy...and for sure 2 new words: butts, and poop..
This is my life with boys, and to think there is another one on the you think it will take the new one 18 months to learn the words poop and butt with Parker around? :)