I have had several friends with older children tell me we should be writing stuff down because one day we'll wish we had it on paper somewhere.
Some new things Parker is saying include:
- Mom (vs. mama)
- Coke (anything he wants to drinks)
- Oh Cool (while looking at a book)
- Apple
- My ball (balls or cheese balls, anything round)
- Waz tat?
- shoos (shoes)
- soCKS (socks)
- hot dog (as in hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog from Micky Mouse Playhouse)
- hot (hot stuff, cold stuff, or anything he shouldn't touch)
- Oh Tay (default answer just to have something to say)
- down (up or down)
- no
- mi-mi (his blankie)
- duck (anything with a beak or yellow)
- mim (Kim his babysitter)
- ne-nae (Renee his babysitter)
- unck-unck (pig)
- baaa (sheep)
- pants
- a two syllable word with the guh and muh sound (grandma/grandpa)
- Roar (lion, tiger, sometimes things that are not animals)
- guck (we thought was originally milk, but since the cold turkey removal of the pacifier we no longer hear guck so now we're thinking it was pacifier)