The boys went to their first baseball game today compliments of the Galesburg Public Library reading program! It was a beautiful day, high in the low 80's with a breeze!
Parker's Friends were there using their summer reading program prizes too! We are sure this alone allowed us to make it all 9 innings! :)
After the game the kids were allowed to run the bases...I love this photo...look close...
Daddy Bruns is telling Daddy Stecher how it works....Little Bruns is telling Little Stecher how it works!
the wind up...
And he's off!
And he realizes Travis is not following him and his buddies have left him in the wind!
Fear Not! The relief runner is there to save the day...
She ran all the bases with him, most likely to make sure he didn't get on the well manicured grass...but we were thankful none the less!
And he scores! :)
The best news is the team we went to see...the Peoria Chiefs (a cubs affiliate), it's a loss for the Cubs! :)
4 happy Cardinal fans after a great day at the ball park!