Wednesday, March 17, 2010

6 month check up

Can you believe it?  I've been around for 6 months today!
At 6 months I can eat my hands, roll over, smile, laugh, sing, kick, jump in my jumpy, splash in the tub, eat baby food, and lots of other things. 
I'm still working on sleeping though...
Today at his 6 month check up he got the AOK.  He weighs 18 pounds 10 oz. and is 27 1/2 inches long.  He is in the 75% for each "benchmark"
Dr. Larson said, "He's stinkin' cute!"

We are going for a refferal to a plastic surgon in Peoria to check his head dimensions.  He has a slighly flat head and may need a helmet for a short time to correct the problem.  It was our choice as to if we wanted to go or not.  We are going to make the appointment to assure everything is correcting itself.  Just a minor bump on the perfect Parker road!

Happy half birthday Parker!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tip me over and pour me out...

**Disclaimer for Grandmas everwhere** No babies were hurt during this photo session...Parker was buckled in and did not roll out of the swing....he is safe and sound...

Parker is quickly outgrowing his swing.
The swing is not swinging, it's just how he's sitting or rather squirming.
He thought he was pretty cute...or he's just figuring out when mom has the camera if I smile she'll put it down quicker than if I don't.
Yep, I'd say it was the camera theory...
Our baby swing days are numbered....and the days of sitting him in it without being buckled in are OVER!


Parker has enough hair to do this:
Do you like it?
I'm stylin' mom and dad!
My only hope is that he will not seriously want his hair styled like this one day....

Extended Family

This weekend Parker got to spend some time with extended family.  We had lunch on Saturday with my Uncle Russ from the Cedar Rapids area who was in town for the weekend.  This was his first time meeting the Parker man. 

After lunch and a trip to Toys R Us ;), we went to Travis' mom and dad's house to visit with Parker's cousin Annica.  Annica was in town staying with Grandma and Grandpa Stecher.  Parker decided he really likes his oldest cousin!  They had a lot of fun playing peak-a-boo and in some baby contraption.

Parker had a great day and made lots of people smile!