Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Card 2013

Merry Christmas from the Stecher Family

Stecher Christmas

12 Days of Christmas (reprise)
12 da, da, da da; 11 da da da da; 10 da da da da; 9 da da da da; 8 da da da da; 7 da da da da

6 grown adults,
5 grand-child-ren
4 Original Stecher's
3 who love Lego's's 
2 barking dogs
1 Very Happy Fam-i-ly

Photo Shoot 2

OK that you've had some lunch, let's try again for some quick photos for the Christmas Card..

I'm done mom!

Photo Shoot

"Ok boys, let's just get a nice quick photo for the Christmas card."
Nice and quick....with a 2 and a 4 year old..yeah right

Nice and quick all right....sigh...

Peoria Festival of Lights

Travis did a nice job on the lights this year don't you think?

The boys are ready with their "friends" to take a trip to the Festival of Lights. 
Cookies in the car looking at the lights 

Santa...take 2...

Elf at the Santa booth at the mall:  Hi there, would you like your photo with Santa today?

Me: Don't wait or try for a smile, it's not gonna happen, just take the picture as quickly as you can..

Carson: Daaaaaaaddddddddddddddddyyyyyyy!!!!!!

Parker:  How far can I lean away from him and not fall off of this chair?  And if I smile a cheesy smile can we be done?

Santa;  Really?!?!
Merry Christmas!

Polar Express 2013

We took our 2nd trip to the North Pole on the Polar Express in early December. 
This time Carson got to come along too! 
Last time we went it was rainy, this year when we went it was BITTERLY cold... 
We did get to go again with our friends the Nelson's.
Parker and Carter (the experienced Polar Express riders) showed the little brothers around.

Although Carson would have NOTHING to do with sitting on Santa's lap or looking directly at him, he did enjoy his choo-choo watch and did squeek out that he wanted a fishy and puzzles for Christmas. 
We knew our time had ended when Parker informed us his "toe was bleeding and needed a band-aid" (it was just numb from the cold), and Carson was so cold his hands (in gloves mind you) wouldn't bend.
The North Pole isn't supposed to be in the tropics right?!? :)

You Crack Me Up!

What do you get when you put two really tired brothers in the same bed for good night hugs/kisses?


A lot of silly silly giggles! (from mom and dad too!)

Disney on Ice

After last years success with Disney on Ice we decided to go again and this time add this guy to the mix.
He loved it! 
and so did he...!
The cotton candy, 

The sno-cones,  
The lights, 

The characters...

Since Disney World isn't even on our radar yet, this was a great chance for the boys to experience the magic of Disney live in person!  We had a great time and are looking forward to next year!

Vancil Family Photos

I would have posted these a lot sooner, had they not been Christmas Presents for my parents!

I think this is hilarious!!