Monday, July 28, 2008

Good News!

Good news! I was blessed to find out my MRI/MRA is back and it shows no signs of any tumors, strokes, aneurysms. There is some fluid behind my mastoid air cells of my brain. That's right behind my ears. Dr. Ray thinks that this is just a normal part of me being me. I guess I can use this for an excuse of some of my more air head moments! :)

I was very relieved and thankful to hear that everything is normal.
My carbon monoxide test came back normal as well.

So now the only question is why won't these headaches go away???????

My new self-diagnosis is that my back is still severely out of whack and I need some more adjustments and perhaps a massage or two to get everything back into line. Perhaps this could be causing the headaches. The headaches are a lot less sever from last Wednesday. That was my last adjustment. Hopefully I'm on the road to having no headaches!

1 comment:


Glad to hear everything is okay! Sorry to hear about your headaches. We need to catch up!