We've known it was coming, but still in the back of our mind we have thought "we still have time"
Times Up!
Today was Teacher's Institute day. :(
We met as an entire district for about 2 hours and then dispersed into our individual buildings.
I was lucky enough to have Travis' mom, Kay, come and help me with some mind numbingly boring tasks (thanks again Kay!)
While I was trying to fight for a spot in the copy machine line to get the copies for next weeks lessons, Travis was at Nielson working on putting names on every one's things, in between building meetings.
After a short break for football practice (Trav) and a follow up Doctor appt. (Misty) we went back to school to work, work, work. We finally called it a night at 9:45PM......
We will probably go back tomorrow afternoon to put the finishing touches on things.
Travis' 2nd Grade classroom, Nielson Elementary B~1
Now that's talent...he drew these Disney character's free hand (not even looking at a picture!)
This is his hallway bulletin boards. He chose a North Woods theme. The Picture on the left has a sign that says Mr. Stecher's room. The middle picture says "Have a 'Woody' Great Time in B1. The far right board says "Stinkin Good Work" with a skunk!
These are too cute.....what a great choice, the kids are sure to love them!
Misty's First Grade Classroom, King Elementary B~3
I didn't get any pictures of my actual classroom yet, I need more batteries in my camera. I'll try to get some soon though! :)
Here are some bulletin boards to tide you over! :)

Misty's hallway bulletin board, "First Grade is 'SCOOPS' of Fun!
Misty's hallway bulletin board, "First Grade is 'SCOOPS' of Fun!
B-3 is Out of This WORLD!
No, Travis didn't draw this. He could have....but he didn't' have time, so I used an overhead projector and traced it. :(
I'm sure the kids will get a kick out of the artwork. Teachers appear to put more thought into the entertainment value of their bulletin boards these days. Probably a good idea since kids are so video oriented.
I enjoyed helping out. Mind numbing tasks allow for mini vacations in your head, so I have no problem helping out. Just let me know...
I love the bulletin boards! I feel like I have an insider advantage with Annica at school this year since I have seen what all you guys do "behind the scenes."
Thanks for the call this morning, Misty! Annica is excited about a whole week of school coming up, but I think she will be wiped out by the end of it. Friday was her first whole day and as we were walking home she kept saying, "I'm SO tired, I'm SO tired..."
Enjoy meeting your new kiddos! :)
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