We bought a new car. A new new car! Travis and I decided we needed a safer family friendly vehicle and during a toss up, the neon won the contest to go to a new home. We traded the neon for a Toyota RAV 4. We LOVE it. We got it Saturday night at 5PM. This is the first new new car that Travis and I have ever had. It's pretty cool!

Good Bye Neon! It was a really good car that served it's purpose.
Hello RAV 4! Travis starting it up for the first time.

6 whole miles on the odometer! WOWIE WOW WOW!
On the road for the first time!

The Trav-RAV!
Trav's smile is actually brighter than the shine on the car. Congrats on a nice car.
Nice car! Enjoy your RAV-TRAV!
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