We are just over 3 weeks old! Wow! The time is flying by! This week Travis had to go back to school. That was a bummer for everyone! We are enjoying every moment with Parker. He is gaining weight and changing almost everyday it seems! This week we are sleeping really well. We get up at 2 and again around 5:30 or 6. We have been really gassy, but get some relief with Mylicon. The gas could be a result of our new guzzling habit when we eat. I'll try to take a video of it so you can hear this Mr. Moo!

We go back to our pediatrician for a regular appointment on Tuesday. We think he might have gotten his mommy's cold :(
Tuesday night, weather depending, we are going to Travis' last football game against Churchill at GHS. We are excited to see daddy coach! On Friday this week we will get to see our friends in Peoria at Dr. Sauder's office again and then maybe hit up Red Lobster for dinner! :)

With and without gas...can you tell which one is which

Ready for errands with Mom!
A visit with Gma after work. 

A potential babysitter...
The cards let us down this year..at least they don't stink as much as the cubs!
We have enjoyed having many people over to visit and welcome more visitors as long as they are feeling well and don't mind washing their hands when they arrive!
We hope to see you all soon!
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