Parker is getting closer and closer to being able to hold his head up on his own. We are beginning to prop him in the upright position more and more. He is beginning to not like to be "cradled", he wants to be up watching all the action. He, much like his mommy, is afraid he'll miss something!

Here he is intently fixated on the TV. (Bulls vs. Lakers)

"I'm just so confused....who should I root for?"

I love this photo of him...he looks like such the little man. Look at those CHEEKS! I could just squeeze them right off his face!
Given Kobe's 40+ points with his broken finger, I think life will be less frustrating for him if he decides he's a Lakers man.
He is just so precious, though, I'll cheer for whoever he wants.
So cute! :) Can't wait until we can have play dates!
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