Hooray, Hooray, Parker turns 1 today....well, actually it was on Friday but because of all the festivities this weekend this was the first moment I've had to blog.
Travis and I both took Friday as a personal day to spend with our number 1 guy! Here he is opening up his 1st birthday present.
First, a 1year check up.
Parker weighs 24 lbs. 6oz! That's a lot different from the 8lbs. 7oz. he was a year ago! Dr. Larson has been wonderful and we're blessed to have her as our doctor!
Back to the house for present opening and a morning nap! We were surprised to see how well he opened gifts! He gets that from mom and dad!
We made a stop at Toys R Us where Parker got a birthday crown and a balloon! He's part of geoffreys birthday club so he also received a call from Geoffrey on his bday.
We spent the afternoon at Chuckie Cheese after getting the all clear from Dr. Larson for any and all table food.
Parker LOVES cheese pizza....
Until it ended up on the floor.
Parker and dad weren't too sure about the mechanical musicians at first. I'm happy to report both warmed up to them by the end of the trip!
These were some of the characters Parker met on his birthday:
We had an excellent day with our little boy! He was in good spirits, the weather was beautiful and we enjoyed quality family time!
By the time we got home this birthday boy was all tuckered out!
Happy 1st Birthday Parker...we LOVE you!
1 comment:
What a FUN birthday day! :)
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