Carson is too little,
It's too windy for Parker's ears,
There's no snow,
It's too muddy,
There's no snow...
These were all excuses for not getting out for winter playtime last year. So since we got our first measurable snowfall this year I have been itching, ITCHING, to get the boys outside. I remember lots of outside playtime in the snow growing up and I want to make sure the boys learn to love the winter outdoor fun as much as I do!
We finally took the plunge after Christmas (when it was finally about 15 degrees out!).
Parker was even knowledgeable enough on the "art" of snowman making to know he needed sticks for his arms.
I was shocked when Parker randomly dropped to the ground and began making a snow angel Remember, he had NO snow playtime last year.
Carson got a high flying ride on his sled compliments of dad!
and enjoyed working on/in the "snow fort"
The real fun began when Parker threw snow at Travis' head....
the windup....
he's cracking himself up...and then there's Carson...Uh-Oh big brother, now you've done it! :)
Parker was such a kind big brother, he pulled/ pushed Carson around in the sled.
Next up on our winter fun list....SLEDDING! Bring on 1 more round of snow!
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