Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Play Time

This morning we drug out more Christmas toys to play with.  This is the walk on piano Parker got. It's almost as long as our living room carpet!  He's still not quite aware that he's the one making the noise but he is intrigued.

I like taking puzzles apart!
and watching dad put them back together!
Play time is so fun!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Gifts

For Christmas we gave both sets of grandparents a calendar of Parker for 2011.
When they got to July....they got the real gift...
Here are the pictures for July

Parker will be a big brother in July!
We're pregnant!  The due date is July 3rd and thanks to some early testing for CAH, we know that we are having a boy. 
Everyone is feeling good and excited!!  Travis is already looking into 3 on 3 tournaments for the Stecher boys..and Misty is looking for new ways to get some estrogen into the house!
This is "Baby Jr." at 6 weeks when we were determining the due date.  I am now 13 weeks 3days.  More updates as we know them!

Christmas 2010

Christmas was Great!
Christmas Eve at Grandma/Grandpa Stecher's
Christmas Day at Grandma/Grandpa Vancil's
Day after Christmas at home...
busy, busy, busy

My first present...hmmmm what's in here?
I love soft things!

Waking up Christmas morning

Look what Santa brought me!!!!!
Stecher family "stickies" on Christmas morning.  Parker was intrigued.
Over the river and through the woods, to the next grandparents we go...

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Saturday Parker was again, a trooper!  We started our shopping at 9:30AM in order to beat the weather.  We made several stops and ended up at Northpark Mall around lunch time.  Parker got his first kids meal from Chick Fillet.  He ate 2.5 chicken nuggets, several pieces of fruit, a milk jug and some peas and carrots from mom's fried rice.  He even got a book for a toy!
After lunch and several more stops in shops Parker was tuckered out...however, he perked up when he saw the man in red....
Uh-Oh, Uh-Oh, Uh-Oh....aka (ho,ho,ho) aka Santa

Parker wasn't quite sure of an actual human being as Santa most of his exposure has been in pictures, books or stuffed toys.  When we put him on his lap even Santa said, let's make this quick...I'm thinking either he was past due for his break, or he too knew Parker was a little uneasy.
Parker didn't cry, but wouldn't smile until.....
I put his pacifier in and pulled it out about 3 times and then ran off to the side of the camera to get out of the photo.  This would be the cause of the side ward crooked smile.  Next time I should just baseball dive in front of the camera for a straight on shot!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

4 Years

4 years ago I married someone who cracks me up everyday!
I'm still laughing!
Happy 4th Anniversary!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Stecher Family Photos

The night before Thanksgiving when everyone was in town we met up for some Stecher family photos.  The odds were stacked against Parker...keep in mind he's been going to bed at 6-6:30PM
The photos were at 5:45...he had just been diagnosed with a double ear infection, we had been at Prompt Care so long that we missed dinner and he had not napped well that day.
However, all things considered the kid..really all the kids...were troopers! 

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We were blessed with a family filled Thanksgiving.  We spent the early part of the day in Rock Island with Travis' family and the late part of the day in Monmouth with Misty's family. 
Parker enjoyed his cousin time.  

Tyler was shocked that someone would find pleasure in knocking down his hard built tower!

Parker got a cat nap on the way from one grandparents to another. 

Parker tried many new foods:  sweet potatoes, marshmallow salad, stuffing, broccoli salad, asparagus, alfredo sauce, cranberries, squash, corn casserole. 
Not everything was a hit, but he was surprisingly fond of asparagus! 
I am Thankful for you daddy!

Hmmm...what is this Delicious treat? 
A whole leg just for meeee????
Thanksgiving is GREAT!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Front Yard Dazzle

Yesterday I told you were were going to get out the holiday stuff after our great time getting in the holiday spirit.  Today Travis decorated the front yard while Parker and I went and did holiday baking with Grandma Vancil and Justin's girlfriend Sarah.  The 60 degree temperatures didn't hurt either ;)

When Parker and I returned home, Parker was dazzled by the yard ornamentation.  He went running right over to Mr. Snowman as if he remembered him from last year.
He also picked up an extension cord box and was prepared to help.  He was much more of a help this year!
No Parker those are Penguins.
OK, so our penguins are now called ducks!

Dad, I think you  need to move it more to the left.

The penguins aka ducks, are new as are the small lighted twigs. 
The colored icicles and rope lights are also new. 
Just helping the block get into the holiday spirit!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Holiday Cheer

It's a great day for a balloon parade!
Today we took Parker to the Festival of Tree's parade in Davenport.  He loved the balloons!  It was 40 degrees out, we had great seats, great company and a GREAT time!

We met up with the Nelson's at the parade.  Carter and Parker are great buddies!

As usual, Parker loved the bands....they weren't as good as the Marching Streaks though...
Whoa, that's a big balloon!

The boys even did their first Y.M.C.A. dance.
The big man...Santa Claus even made an appearance.  Parker is still trying to figure out how to get Santa to come to his house.
Think, think, think....
We had a great time and hope to make this a yearly tradition.

Tonight was also the Lighting of John Deere Commons.  Parker was a trooper and held out until the celebration started this evening.  

This was just the kind of day to get the Stecher's into the holiday spirit! 
Gotta run, we're going to start to put up some lights and decorations around here!