Monday, May 18, 2009

Dad's first projects

Travis has been busy! He has begun putting things together for the baby. He has tried to guess how many things he will put together in his lifetime for this child and so far the number is 3 and growing!
We purchased our baby bedding online and when it came there was a mobile to be put together. I was all about the bedding, but "dad" was all about putting together the mobile. Item #1.

We're going with a "sheep" theme! :)

Last week Travis' folks dropped off their baby present to us. A car seat/stroller travel system. Tonight we were able to dig into the box and see what it contained. Travis set right to work trying to put it together (without reading the directions!) and was greatly successful! Item number 2 and 3!
Buddy's not quite sure what this contraption is.....he's not sure he approves!
The final product!


Chervenka5 said...

Travis looks like such a natural holding the car seat! :)

Kay said...

Putting something together BEFORE reading the directions? Good ability to have when he will have someone standing by whining at him for completion of a toy.