Wednesday, June 15, 2011

VBS games

After a day at daycare playing with friends, rushing home to change clothes and heading out the door Parker wasn't too sure about being away from Mom and Dad last night.  He wanted to be with one of us or Renee...the regular nursery attendant and daycare provider...who happens to be helping with preschool this year instead of being in the nursery.
Needless to say it wasn't as smooth going as I thought it would be...but once we got Parker out to where the kids were playing and running he had a great time.  He ran with the big kids not realizing that at any moment he could be trampled, and even "played" the game with the kids giving them his panda/manda to unfreeze them during Panda tag. 

We were very proud of him especially with him being so tired.  We'll try again tonight and see how it goes...
if all else fails mommy and Parker will head back out to games with dad!

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