Monday, October 3, 2011

Tanner's Apple Orchard

We took Grandma Vancil to Tanner's Apple Orchard for her birthday a few weeks ago.  It was supposed to be a beautiful, warm sunny day and it ended up being cold and rainy, so our trip was cut a little bit short...but we still had fun! 
Parker loves the color orange, so imagine his excitement (rain or no rain) when he saw the sea of orange pumpkins! 
I'll take this one! 

He is still talking about the "goots".  I found them a little bold and rather assuming, but Parker LOVED them...and Grandma loved giving Parker food to feed the goots... 
That's not for's for the Goats! 

"Bus...yellow bus!"
We count the buses we see each morning on the way to daycare...depending on the time we leave the house we can see anywhere from 3-7.  He gets so excited when he sees a "yellow bus" that we just had to have his photo with this one. 
Hopefully our visit next year will give us nicer weather where we can go out into the orchard and spend time in the playlot.

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